Creative, Motivated and Proactive
I'm a programmer with 13 years of experience in architecture, design, and development of software applied to three main products: games, real-time embedded, and the stock market.
My background includes working with Unity, Unreal Engine and In-house developed (CoD Engine) game engines to develop mobile, PC, and Console games, 2D or 3D.
I worked on the development of a game for PlayStation Vita under the PSM program on Unity3D from concept to publishing.
The programming languages I'm an expert in are C#, Lua, and C++, but I already developed projects with Java, Python, PHP, and Objective-C.
I am an outstanding team member. I use my skills in software engineering to help the team to better understand new functionalities, problems to solve, look for corner cases, etc. I'm always happy to teach interns and juniors. I also have exciting experience working alongside teams from other disciplines, increasing the quality of results and acquiring a better understanding of the whole project across all teams.
I love games, not only playing them but understanding them too: the whys behind every design choice and how each implementation was made. Of course, I love to develop games too.
Unreal Engine 4/5
Visual Studio 2022
JetBrains' Ryder
Enterprise Architect
Portuguese - Native
Spanish - Advanced
English - Advanced
French - Intermediate
From Apr/2019 to Sep/2020
Software Engineer Specialist
Universidade Estácio de Sá, São Paulo/SP - Brazil
A post-graduation course of specialization in Software Engineering.
Project Developed:
Backend System for Mobile Multiplayer Games (with a bonus Matchmaking system)
From Jan/2013 to May/2019
Computer Engineer Bachelor
UNIP, São José dos Campos/SP - Brazil
Projects Developed:
Interface for Android to ease the use of blind.
Verticality determination system using an Inertial Measurement Unit (Graduation Work).
31st Union - Senior Generalist Software Engineer
Since Aug/2023
Developing an unannounced title on Unreal Engine 5.
Working on in-game and tech (engine) systems to improve UI performance.
Implementing a new Game Settings system (Engine, System, and UI) to facilitate adding and organizing new configurable parameters into the several possible configuration screens the game has.
Helping the Gameplay team optimize the performance of their systems and fix bugs.
Helping define the Engineering Best Practices Guide to improve the overall quality of the technical solutions delivered.
Participating in Brainstorming and ideation sessions to bring to life a new weapon upgrade system, and engagement features, and also improve already existing mechanics and systems.
Beenox - Expert UI Software Engineer
From Jul/2022 to Aug/2023
Designed and developed solutions using C++ and Lua programming languages.
Implemented UI features for LiveOps, Social, and Core Menus content.
Helped to fix bugs on several systems related to gameplay, Online, and Rendering where the symptoms were shown in the UI.
Worked from conception to shipment of a Server-driven UI system to enhance and empower the Live-ops team, streamlining the Live-Ops pipeline to ship new content and tweak the interfaces without requiring patches.
Delivered a unified flexible, modular, and data-driven 3D renderer tech to showcase item previews on several different screens of the game.
Designed, and organized across several teams, and helped develop a new solution for UI that controls the viewport positioning of 3D assets to better frame/align them with UI elements across several different screen resolutions and aspect ratios. This solution helped reduce the amount of work from content developers.
Led a team of 4 engineers to develop the BattlePass in the Engine and in-game UI from scratch for CoD Warzone Mobile Season 2 to 6. I collaborated with UX Design, Content Producers, UI Design, Artists, and Product Managers to deliver the best experience to the player while also focusing on the monetization aspect of the feature. On top of leading, I worked on the system’s architecture design and development.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
Call of Duty: Warzone 2
Call of Duty: Warzone Mobile
Packt Publishing - Technical Book Reviewer
From May/2022 to Nov/2022
Technical reviewed the book Hands-on Unity 2022 Game Development, 3E.
Pixel Toys - Senior Unity Gameplay Programmer
From Jan/2022 to Jul/2022
Developed Gameplay and Systems for a game targeting PC and Mobile platforms.
Developed a Camera behavior system.
Developed Custom physics for strings, creating realistic and believable vibrations and interactions with ropes.
Developed a system to support abilities dealing damage and effects heterogeneously to multiple targets.
Developed a system to generate generic enemies with different behavior settings (aka Goons).
Delivered a UI improvement by using an Uber Shader to compress several steps of the HUD element processing reducing UI draw calls by 85% (from 278 calls per frame to 41, just with the HUD) and overdraw level from 9x to 2x (on ability icons).
Developed a Camera Director system with minimal overhead on the current game system to reduce experience repeatability. This system also improved memory consumption by 18% by removing every camera animation track since the system was handling the camera behaviors in a smart way, driven by animation events triggered by the timeline.
Demonware - Senior Software Engineer
From Aug/2020 to Dec/2021
Improved and evolved the client side of the network engine used in Activision games.
Optimized NAT Traversal and network probing systems.
Console (PS family, Nintendo Switch, and Xbox family) and mobile (Android and iOS) development.
Full refactor of the STUN Server project.
Developed a full metrics collection and asynchronous reporting system. Also integrated into the STUN Server project.
Developed test applications for Android and iOS. Designed features to handle mobile-specific network behaviors with the obtained results.
Developed the foundation tech for the new party system broadcasting system on the client.
Developed a unified project generation tool in Python to enhance the build automation system. This system also improved the CI setup stage performance on Jenkins by 35%.
Updated the Player Introduction system (client and server) modernizing its code, enhancing stability, and attaching a custom metrics collector and reporter to inspect and act based on collected data.
Improved STUN Server performance and increased the number of clients per instance by 10%.
Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 1+2 – Remake
Crash Bandicoot 4: It’s about time!
Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War
Call of Duty Warzone and Warzone Pacific
Call of Duty: Vanguard
BairesDev - Senior Software Engineer
From Jun/2020 to Dec/2020
Allocated at Clothing Tech LLC as a Senior Unity Programmer.
Configured and implemented all the UI for the mobile apps developed (Android and iOS).
Fixed several build and execution errors on Android and iOS.
Fixed marshaling issues from managed C# code to unmanaged native C++ code. Solved
Solved a build issue where the software was needing changes to build for different platforms. Changed build scripts and applied symbols to handle definitions for each platform.
Implemented a full-duplex API to make an embedded Unity application to share messages and exchange data with the base native application for both Android and iOS platforms.
Evolved garment shader and adjusted the camera's post-processing effects to achieve a more realistic looking for mobile platforms.
Solved a rendering issue on iOS where some triangles were not being rendered. The Shader needed to be remade and also needed to create a custom rendering pipeline based on URP to improve performance. Improved the GPU frame by approximately 16%.
Delivered a platform-agnostic C++ library integration for Unity. We used to have several integration issues thanks to different compiler implementations and symbols used for each platform.
Beyond Soluções - Scrum Master
From Jun/2019 to May/2020
Allocated on XP Investimentos leading a development team as Scrum Master, part-time with the analyst position.
Leading and mentoring team in an agile workflow.
Working to reduce impediments to the team.
Scheduling and leading agile ceremonies, like backlog grooming, sprint planning, and sprint retrospective.
After the start of the migration process to an agile environment, the team improved its capacity from 30 effort points per sprint to 130. The cycle time reduced from 25 to 8 days and the support rate reduced from 28% to 10%.
Beyond Soluções - Senior System Analyst
From Jun/2019 to May/2020
Developing and giving maintenance to Systems focused on risk analysis to stock market financial products and Market Data Feeding.
Working with low-latency real-time C++ applications, software prototyping, features design and development, and making development and deploy environment setup.
Worked developing features for risk analysis applications to the stock market in C#.
Mentoring new team members. ​
Developed a Conflation feature to merge market data into a consolidated message regularly, reducing network bandwidth usage optimizing data flow and software performance. The performance of the feature was stable, having a latency range from 40 microseconds to 80 microseconds, varying according to the number of updates made on each time interval.
Fully design and developed a scalable microservice using Service Fabric to handle a volume of more than 9000 internet requests per second. The systems needed to search and update a database on every request.
Was one of five indicated employees to earn the prize of Agile Ambassador.
Imersão Visual - Senior Game Developer
From Feb/2019 to Jul/2019
Project-based employee.
Worked as a Senior Unity Developer in XRProj and XRSurgeon VR simulation Software. Also, full developed OrtossÃntese Viewer app (Unity3D for mobile and Javascript & BabylonJS for web) and OrtossÃntese Showroom VR (Unreal Engine 4).
Responsible for design and rapid prototyping of new features, making C# code implementations, debugging and bug fixing systems, improving the existing code.
Executed the adaptation of XRProj software for Android, achieving excellent performance.
Developing reusable tools to streamline and facilitate the expansion of the products.
Architecture plan, design of game logic, algorithm implementation, UI programming, and maintenance of systems.
Worked within art and design teams to deliver higher-quality products.
Agile team environment– Scrum.
Created a mobile viewer app for XRProj who runs with excellent performance presentations containing models and environments with more than 5 million polygons.
Fully developed the Timeline feature of XRProj to allow the user to create custom animations for his presentations.
Fully Developed an entire product for a client to be used in a well-known fair, receive compliments for the quality of the final product.
Delivered three products to clients. (XRSurgeon MVP, OrtossÃntese Viewer, and OrtissÃntese Showroom VR)
Freelancer - Programmer
From May/2018 to Jul/2019
Worked with six clients as a programmer (Design, Implementation, Debug, and Troubleshooting).
High-level C# implementations and problem-solving works with three clients.
Development of a C++ project for CAD meshes importer integration to import during runtime within Unity for a client.
C++ implementation of UI and Gameplay in Unreal Engine 4 applied for a top-down RPG game.
Native Android implementation in Java of a leaderboard screen (UI implementation, Data structure design, Algorithm design, and implementation).
AI implementation, Troubleshoot of a procedural map generator, Third-party tools integration, Gameplay development.
Worked remotely.
Received compliments for quality and speed in solving problems.
Received a bonus payment as an acknowledgment of the outstanding quality of the final product.
Aeronautics and Space Institute - Software Engineer
From Apr/2014 to July/2019
Worked in the SISNAV, SISNAC and VS-50 projects (Software architecture, design, and documentation, C++ Implementations for real-time embedded software, Maintenance).
Responsible for analyzing, debugging, and troubleshooting all C++ code developed for the SISNAC project.
Responsible for the entire Software Engineer workload, like requirements gathering and analysis, software design, development planning, and milestones definition.
Worked alongside Electrical and Control Engineers to deliver optimized software for the Space Rocket Navigation and Control System in development.
Developed creative and out-of-the-box thinking skills to solve hard algorithm problems for the systems in development.
Coached and mentored interns.
Published several reports containing software test results and algorithm complexity analysis and optimization.
Selected to be the Lead of the Software Q&A team for project SISNAC to start in Jan/2020.
Made an update of legacy procedure code to object-oriented code, using C++ features like variable references, noexcept, constexpr, STL algorithms and some optimizations on the general data structure. With this, the code quality improved, making its maintenance easier, also saving memory usage on 60% and improving embedded software performance about 400% (from 12ms of execution time to approximately 3ms).
Hex Onix - Game Developer
From Aug/2011 to May/2018
Rapidly prototyped games in a variety of genres (RPG, FPS, puzzles, and others) for feasibility analysis.
Participated in every step of game development, from concept design, software design, brainstorming, prototyping, interaction with testers, analytics data analysis, CI/CD configuration, marketing material creation, post-processing effects setup, balancing, polishing, and setup of the page on Google Play store.
Made high-level C# code for Unity3D, developing gameplay, cameras, characters, controllers, AI, UI, and Editor tools to ease the work of level designers, network systems, server-side applications, and REST APIs.
Developed high-level C# codes for Unity3D, developing gameplay, making UI implementations, programming support systems, development of tools, and networking systems.
Programmed in Cg/HLSL languages for Unity to achieve a customized graphic appearance.
Used UE4 for a year (from Jul/2014 to Aug/2015) testing its features to make a study case if the startup was going to port its projects to the engine.
During a single project, I made C++ implementations of game logic for UE4, developing gameplay, AI, UI, and support systems.
Edited materials, particles, grayboxed levels, and made postprocessing effects adjustments on UE4.
Selected to be the Team Lead during a Mobile ARPG project.
Published a game for PlayStation Vita under the PSM program.
Published two games for Android.
Published a game for Windows Phone 8.
Insane Car Runner (Android, iOS)
Code:Defcon Lite (Android)
Quick Response (Windows Phone 8)
Code:Defcon (PS Vita/PSM)
TIVIT - Computer Engineer Intern
From Jul/2013 to Dec/2013
Powershell scripts programming to automate processes.
Data Center monitoring & maintenance.
Helpdesk for computer operators.
In a scenario of Catastrophe, I quickly designed, developed, and (with the team) applied (locally to each station) a solution that allowed the entire company to continue doing its activities offline. This significantly reduced the company's loss while the field team was restoring the internet connection.